Charles Sorel. Paris: Jean Fort, 1926. 8vo. vi + 411pp. Frontispiece + 16 full-page engravings (with tissue guards) and numerous head and tail pieces (non erotic) by Martin Van Maele. Limited edition of 1203 copies of which: 1 is on Japon Imperial with the original drawings and three additional suites of plates (including a suite done in watercolor), #2–11 is on Japon Impérial with three additional suites of plates, #12–42 is on Hollande with two additional suites of plates, #43–103 is on Madagascar [with the engravings in two states], and #104–1203 is on Enoshima.
My copy, no. 445, contains one set of the 17 engravings in black.
Thanks go to Dr. Serge Varshavsky for kindly allowing me to post the colored images on my site. Source: Varshavsky Collection